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After statistics show that this January was the strongest in the property market since 2005, the hot property market of 2021 appears set to continue into 2022.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
Minimalism is more than just a form of decoration; it's a way of life.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
Of course, you want to attract and select the best tenants - people who will take care of the property, pay the rent, and leave you with little to do.
But where do you look for suitable tenants?
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
As spring approaches, you may be ready for a deep clean. So, how can you prepare your home for the longer days and milder nights?
Here’s a simple checklist to get you started.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
The Victoria Art Gallery has been overrun by monsters! This fun continuation of the 2017 Here Be Dragons spectacular is this family-friendly exhibition until February 27th.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
Thinking of dining out after the hype from Valentine's Day had died down? Take a look at some of the best places to eat in Bath, or takeaways if you're wanting more of a night in.